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  1. fractura (llamados “zonas calientes”), áreas en donde es más probable encontrar las fracturas en una vista occipitomentoniana a 10° o Caldwell modificada. Su uso permite al examinador, después de haber identi-ficado una fractura, dirigir su atención a otros sitios de alta probabilidad (figura 5).

  2. 3 de abr. de 2023 · Le Fort injuries are complex fractures of the midface, named after Rene Le Fort who studied cadaver skulls that were subjected to blunt force trauma. His experiments determined the areas of structural weakness of the maxilla designated as “lines of weakness” where fractures occurred. These fractures

  3. 19 de may. de 2022 · A Wagstaffe-Le Fort fracture refers to an avulsion fracture of the medial aspect of the distal fibula due to avulsion of the anterior tibiofibular ligament attachment. See also. lower extremity fractures; References

  4. Le Fort I fracture, or horizontal fracture, is defined by a line that commences at the pyriform margin, passes above the dental apexes and canine fossae, involves a portion of the zygomatic buttress and then ends in the inferior portion of the pterygoid process. 4, 7 It is usually caused by horizontal excessive force applied over the three sustaining maxillary pillars. 5, 8, 10 Different from ...

  5. LeFort II fractures transect the nasal bones, medial-anterior orbital walls, orbital floor, inferior orbital rims and finally transversely fracture the posterior maxilla and pterygoid plates. LeFort III fractures result in craniofacial disjunction. This is the highest level LeFort fracture and essentially separates the maxilla from the skull base.

  6. 23 de sept. de 2021 · Consultations for management of facial fractures in the emergency setting are not uncommon for the oral maxillofacial surgeon, otolaryngologist, and/or plastic surgeon. This necessitates a knowledge foundation and working understanding of the evaluation, assessment, and timely management. Here, we w …

  7. tes de fracturas, a las que denominaría fracturas de Le Fort I, II y III. Fractura de Le Fort I: La línea de fractura se localiza sobre los ápices dentarios y se extiende hasta las apófisis pteri-goides. Fractura de Le Fort II: La línea de fractura discurre por la raíz nasal, hueso lacrimal, reborde infraorbitario y por la

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