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  1. The Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test is an EDF omnibus test for the composite hypothesis of normality. The test statistic is the maximal absolute difference between empirical and hypothetical cumulative distribution function. It may be computed as D = max{D+,D−} D = max { D +, D − } with.

  2. Perform the Lilliefors test. h2 = lillietest(log(data2), 'Distribution', 'extreme value') h2 = 1. The returned value of h2 = 1 indicates that lillietest rejects the null hypothesis at the default 5% significance level. Confirm the test decision using a Weibull probability plot.

  3. El estadístico de prueba Kolmogorov-Smirnov con la correción de Lilliefors presenta un nivel de significación igual a 0,000. Enconsecuencia se rechaza la hipótesis de normalidad. El gráfico Q-Q normal ratifica la conclusión anterior, ya que los valores observados no se situan sobre la recta esperada bajo el supuesto de normalidad.

  4. Normality > Lilliefors Test. What is Lilliefors Test? The Lilliefors test is a test for normality.It is an improvement on the Kolomogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test — correcting the K-S for small values at the tails of probability distributions — and is therefore sometimes called the K-S D test.Many statistical packages (like SPSS) combine the two tests as a “Lilliefors corrected” K-S test.

  5. Lilliefors test : The Lilliefors test is a statistical test that is used to determine whether a given data set follows a specific distribution. This test is particularly useful when dealing with small sample sizes, as it provides a more accurate assessment of the data’s distribution than other tests. One example of the Lilliefors test is in ...

  6. H.Abdi& P.Molin: Lilliefors /VanSoest NormalityTest Table 1: How to compute the criterion for the Lilliefors’ test of normality. Ni stands for the absolute frequency of a given value of Xi, Fi stands for the absolute frequency associated with a given value of Xi (i.e., the number of scores smaller or equal to Xi), Zi is the Z-score corresponding to Xi, S (Zi) is the proportion of

  7. En estadística, la prueba de Lilliefors es una prueba de normalidad basada en la prueba de Kolmogórov-Smirnov. Se utiliza para probar la hipótesis nula de que los datos provienen de una población con distribución normal, cuando la hipótesis nula no especifica qué distribución normal; es decir, no especifica el valor esperado y la varianza de la distribución.

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