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  1. Boston University is test optional for first-year applicants applying for fall 2023/spring 2024. This policy applies to all undergraduate schools and colleges at Boston University as well as all scholarship programs. International students will be required to submit the TOEFL, ...

  2. Marsh广场. 波士顿大学(英語:Boston University,縮寫為BU)是位于美国 马萨诸塞州 波士顿的知名私立 研究型大学。 该校由卫理公会于1839年创办,主校区分布在查尔斯河畔的芬威-肯莫尔(Fenway-Kenmore)和奥尔斯顿(Allston)地区。 波士顿大学历史悠久,是美国大学协会和爱国者联盟的成员,长期以来在 ...

  3. ボストン大学(英語: Boston University )は、アメリカ合衆国(マサチューセッツ州)ボストンに本部を置く米国の私立大学。 1839年創立、1839年大学設置。 大学の略称はBU。. 2022年の合格率は19% 。 どの様な世界大学ランキングでも常に100位入りする、学術都市ボストンの代表的な名門私立大学で ...

  4. There’s no shortage of ways to challenge yourself at Boston University. With 300+ programs of study, you can choose a major. Choose two, if you’d like. Find a minor that fascinates you. Take an elective way outside of your comfort zone. ** Please note: The School of Hospitality Administration does not accept first-year student applications ...

  5. Explore, Expand, Connect. Graduate school is an adventure of intellectual discovery, discipline, and creative thought. Your journey, though it may seem epic, is not a solo mission. Whether you are looking for a graduate program, or you are already enrolled, this is your central place to connect with information and resources at Boston University.

  6. 22 de jul. de 2023 · Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities (Publié: 31 juillet, 2023) Universités à Boston, États-Unis sont classés dans 42 classements. Tous les classements et revues universitaires à un seul endroit et expliqués. Satisfaction des étudiants, réputation académique.

  7. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston University has seen some of the world’s brightest minds study there, including the civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel and American writer Saul Bellow. Its campus contains a fitness center, restaurants, pubs, an arena, ...

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