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  1. 24 de ene. de 2011 · 4. You're "in" the office if you mean to emphasise your physical location, inside a room where one works. You're "at" the office if you are at a place of work, but not emphasising a specific room. So, "I need to have a printer in the office", but "I'm at the office, but I'll come home to see you soon." Share.

  2. 12 de jul. de 2012 · The phrase originated from the United Way's workplace giving programs. Many people actually did donate to charity at the office and the point was that the person had already donated to charity as much as they felt that they should donate, and thus there was no reason to ask them to donate more money.

  3. Once out of office, the individual reverts to whichever title or honorific applied before he or she held office, although as a courtesy, "once an Honorable, always an Honorable." Thus, Governor Howard Dean of Vermont, "by the book," became upon retirement Dr. Howard Dean, and would be addressed as Dr. Dean, but might be introduced as The Honorable Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont.

  4. WPS Office 和 Microsoft Office 哪个更好用? - 知乎

  5. 25 de jul. de 2015 · What are some formal ways to tell the boss or colleagues in the office you are leaving for the day? I am new to this, I googled and found this link but I want some more professional or creative way to say this other than, I am leaving now; I will make a move now; I am leaving for the day

  6. 18 de oct. de 2012 · I am used to saying "I am in India.". But somewhere I saw it said "I am at Puri (Oriisa)". I would like to know the differences between "in" and "at" in the above two sentences.

  7. 12 de oct. de 2015 · (Office) Pantry. While some companies provide for a full break room/cafeteria, many only offer a pantry that is basically a small kitchen area with a sink, refrigerator and maybe a microwave and such. Could have a small counter area so multiple employees can better balance their needs in a shared space. (Staff) Lounge

  8. 19 de dic. de 2011 · If you hear separate stress on "OFF-ice" and "MATE", then you should certainly treat it as two words. If you hear only one stress ("OFF-ice-mate"), and if you hear it very often, then you can try writing it as "office-mate". If nobody corrects you then, congratulations, you have played a part in the formation of a new English word.

  9. 直接对比一下WPS和Office的功能,就知道哪个更好用了! WPS的优点是,更符合国人的工作场景使用习惯。 这一点在Excel上尤为突出。 来举几个例子,你可能会感叹:曾被Excel折磨哭的我,为啥没早点用WPS?! 神奇功能 1:以万为单位显示. Excel 中:

  10. Federal Office of... or Federal Office for... Is there any sort of rule for this? The "problem" is that it's an ongoing debate in the Department (non-English-speaking country) on how to properly translate it into English.

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