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Lee Krasner (Brooklyn, Nueva York, 27 de octubre de 1908 - 19 de junio de 1984) fue una influyente artista del expresionismo abstracto en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Nacida como Lenora Krassner, conocida más tarde como Lee Krassner, era la sexta hija de un matrimonio de inmigrantes judíos procedentes de Shpykiv, Raión de Tulchyn, Óblast ...
Lee Krasner vivió siempre bajo la alargada sombra de su marido Jackson Pollock, pese a que la pintora tenía igual o incluso mayor talento que él. Ambos fueron figuras claves del expresionismo abstracto norteamericano.. Neoyorquina de Brooklyn, estudió arte en unos tiempos en los que la mujer lo tenían difícil. Sólo pudo acceder al Instituto Washington Irving de Manhattan, el único ...
Lee Krasner (27 de octubre de 1908 - 19 de junio de 1984) fue una influyente artista del expresionismo abstracto en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Nació en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Su verdadero nombre era Lena Krasner, y era la sexta hija de un matrimonio de inmigrantes judíos procedentes de Rusia.
Lee Krasner was a force of nature, always pushing abstraction forward. Her work over 50 years suggests perpetual, restless reinvention, encompassing portraits, Cubist drawings, collage, assemblage, and large-scale abstract painting.A pioneer of Abstract Expressionism, she was also one of the key crusaders for Jackson Pollock’s legacy. As the art historian Helen Harrison, now the director of ...
Lenore "Lee" Krasner (born Lena Krassner; October 27, 1908 – June 19, 1984) was an American painter and visual artist active primarily in New York whose work has been associated with the Abstract Expressionist movement. She received her early academic training at the Women's Art School of Cooper Union, and the National Academy of Design from 1928 to 1932.
Lee Krasner, American painter recognized for her unique contribution to Abstract Expressionism. After the death of her husband, Jackson Pollock, Krasner’s reputation was eclipsed by his, partly because of her advocacy of his work, but a show in New York proved that she was a significant artist in her own right.
Lenore "Lee" Krasner (born Lena Krassner; October 27, 1908 – June 19, 1984) was an American painter and visual artist active primarily in New York whose work has been associated with the Abstract Expressionist movement.She received her early academic training at the Women's Art School of Cooper Union, and the National Academy of Design from 1928 to 1932.
In the mid and late 1940s, Lee Krasner, one of the few women associated with Abstract Expressionism’s first generation, developed compositions comprised of small, interconnected boxes with symbols that she described as hieroglyphic. Using a limited palette and paint applied in thick, controlled drips, Krasner achieved the nonhierarchical, allover format that she and her Abstract ...
Krasner, Lee. Lena Krassner nace el 27 de octubre en Brooklyn, Nueva York, tres años después de que su familia judía ortodoxa emigrara a EE. UU. procedente de un shtetl cercano a Odessa, en Rusia (Ucrania, en la actualidad), huyendo de los brutales pogromos y de la Guerra Ruso-Japonesa. Se gradúa con 17 años y comienza a estudiar en la ...
Lee Krasner fue una influyente artista del expresionismo abstracto en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Nacida como Lenora Krassner, conocida más tarde como L...