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  1. Biografía, filmografía y premios del actor estadounidense Kyle MacLachlan, conocido por su papel de Dale Cooper en Twin Peaks. Colaboró con David Lynch en Dune, Terciopelo azul y otras películas.

  2. Kyle MacLachlan is an American actor known for his roles in Twin Peaks, Dune, Blue Velvet and other films and TV shows. Learn about his early life, career, awards and personal life on Wikipedia.

  3. IMDb profile of Kyle MacLachlan, the actor best known for his roles in Dune, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, and Portlandia. See his photos, videos, credits, awards, trivia, and more.

  4. 12 de abr. de 2024 · El actor de Dune, Twin Peaks y Fallout repasa su trayectoria y su amistad con el director David Lynch. Descubre cómo pasó de ser un cantante a un galán oscuro y encantador en el cine y la televisión.

  5. 20 de oct. de 2023 · Qué fue de Kyle MacLachlan, el actor del agente Cooper de Twin Peaks y de Paul Atreides en la Dune de David Lynch, que tiene interesantes proyectos entre manos.

  6. Learn about the life and career of Kyle MacLachlan, the actor best known for his roles in David Lynch's films and TV series. Find out his birth date, height, family, awards, trivia, and more.

  7. 880K Followers, 547 Following, 2,206 Posts - Kyle MacLachlan (@kyle_maclachlan) on Instagram: "Husband, father, actor, podcaster & @pursuedbybearwine vintner. Agent Cooper in #TwinPeaks and appearing in #Fallout on @primevideo."