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  1. Resumen de Hamlet. El entramado de "Hamlet", príncipe de Dinamarca, se despliega en cinco actos que nos transportan desde el lúgubre castillo de Elsinor hasta el desenlace trágico de la historia. Comienza con el joven Hamlet encontrándose con el espectro de su padre, quien le revela que fue asesinado por su propio hermano, Claudio, el ...

  2. Y Claudio, el rey, prepararía una copa de veneno que el mismo Hamlet debería tomar en la hora de mayor agitación y calor. Así, aunque se libre de la espada de alertes, de todas maneras moriría. Se emprende finalmente el duelo, el rey, en medio de un mayor cinismo había apostado todavía por Hamlet.

  3. 20 de may. de 2022 · Protagonistul tragediei, Hamlet este un prinț iubit și un tânăr gânditor, melancolic. Suparat de moartea tatălui său, Hamlet este deprimat doar de succesiunea la tron a unchiului său Claudius și de căsătoria ulterioară cu mama sa. Când fantoma regelui, tatăl lui Hamlet, îi spune că a fost ucis de fratele său Claudius și că ...

  4. Hamlet’s dearest friend, Horatio, agrees with him that Claudius has unambiguously confirmed his guilt. Driven by a guilty conscience, Claudius attempts to ascertain the cause of Hamlet’s odd behaviour by hiring Hamlet’s onetime friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on him. Hamlet quickly sees through the scheme and begins to act the part of a madman in front of them.

  5. Hamlet Full Play Summary. On a dark winter night, a ghost walks the ramparts of Elsinore Castle in Denmark. Discovered first by a pair of watchmen, then by the scholar Horatio, the ghost resembles the recently deceased King Hamlet, whose brother Claudius has inherited the throne and married the king’s widow, Queen Gertrude.

  6. Hamlet es una obra maestra del teatro trágico que ha perdurado a lo largo de los siglos debido a su complejidad y profundidad. A través de una trama llena de intriga y acción, Shakespeare nos sumerge en la mente atormentada de su protagonista, Hamlet, y nos invita a reflexionar sobre la vida, la muerte y la moralidad.

  7. Hamlet by William Shakespeare was first published in 1603. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play follows Prince Hamlet as he grapples with grief, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice after the sudden death of his father, the King. The story unfolds against a backdrop of political intrigue and familial conflict, with Hamlet’s inner turmoil ...

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