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  1. › wiki › ModernismModernism - Wikipedia

    Hace 14 horas · Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907). This Proto-Cubist work is considered a seminal influence on subsequent trends in modernist painting.. Modernism was an early 20th-century movement in literature, visual arts, and music that emphasized experimentation, abstraction, and subjective experience. Philosophy, politics, architecture, and social issues were all aspects of this movement.

  2. Hace 14 horas · This year, Charles Gounod's opera about the man who sells his soul for love and money gets a twist inspired by climate change — and some tunes from the catalog of dance pop band Depeche Mode.

  3. Hace 14 horas · Salah satu contoh film psikologis yang memanfaatkan musik klasik dengan apik adalah Psycho (1960) karya Alfred Hitchcock. Dalam adegan ikonik pembunuhan di kamar mandi, Hitchcock menggunakan musik klasik "The Funeral March of a Marionette" karya Charles Gounod.

  4. Hace 14 horas · 9. "Alerte, Alerte" from Faust (Charles Gounod) Katia Ricciarelli, Ruggero Raimondi and Alfredo Kraus 13. 세계의 오페라 스타 2 출연 - Alfredo Kraus, Ruggero Raimondi, Paulo Coni, Katia Ricciarelli, Licia Valentini-Terrani 오케스트라 -Symphonic Orchestra Madrid 전 세계 유명 오페라 스타들의 화려한 공연 !!

  5. Hace 14 horas · 相比之下,在播放第7首《圣母颂Charles Gounod-Ave Maria》曲目时山灵H2整体呈现地较为纤细清丽,相对PHA-3,H2尽管略显淡雅,但对于小提琴独奏部分的琴弦拉奏很具金属质感,送香味阵阵萦绕,琴声残响和空间混响很具立体感,高频通透丝滑的高潮部分渐入佳境的沉浸感让人着迷,背景伴奏部分的古典 ...

  6. Hace 14 horas · Musikalisch kombiniert Florentina Holzinger im zweiten Teil geistliche Werke von Bach, Gounod oder Rachmaninow mit zeitgenössischer Vokalmusik, zum Beispiel von Johanna Doderer.

  7. Hace 14 horas · Gounod : Roméo & Juliette. Alfredo Kraus, Catherine Malfitano, Charles Burles, Jean-Marie Frémeau, Jocelyne Taillon, Gabriel Bacquier, Gino Quilico, Kurt Ollmann. Chœur Régional Midi-Pyrénées, Choeur et Orchestre Du Capitole De Toulouse, Michel Plasson. CD 16-18.