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  1. Hace 14 horas · Si estimes el vi i tens ganes d'emular la comèdia d'Alexander Payne el nou restaurant Público (Enrique Granados, 30, Barcelona) et dona aquesta oportunitat. ... Diferents espais -una barra freda a l'entrada que dona servei continuat de menjar durant tot el dia i una altra, més íntima, al fons per proveir els plats més contundents.

  2. Hace 14 horas · BRAD HAWLEY, who's been with us since April 2012, earned his PhD in English from the University of Oregon with areas of specialty in the ethics of literature and rhetoric.

  3. Hace 14 horas · I challenge students to read and interpret comics because I believe sequential art and visual literacy are essential parts of education at any level (see my Manifesto!). I post the best of my students’ reviews in this column. Today, I am proud to present a review by Adra Curington. Adra Curington is a first-year student at Emory Oxford ...

  4. Hace 14 horas · Ultranationalism or extreme nationalism is an extreme form of nationalism in which a country asserts or maintains detrimental hegemony, supremacy, or other forms of control over other nations (usually through violent coercion) to pursue its specific interests.