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  1. The Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus), also known as the Mongolian camel, domestic Bactrian camel or two-humped camel, is a large camel native to the steppes of Central Asia.It has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary. Its population of 2 million exists mainly in the domesticated form. Their name comes from the ancient historical region of Bactria.

  2. camel active x Viva con Agua. Pünktlich zum World Water Day starten wir unsere "Source of Life Aktion" für Viva con Agua. Hol dir unser Limited Edition "Water-Shirt" und trage einen Teil dazu bei, Menschen auf der ganzen Welt den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser zu ermöglichen.

  3. 11 de jul. de 2017 · Other facts. Camels can run at 25 mph (40 kph) for long periods. If their owner is in a hurry, they can kick their speed up to 40 mph (67 kph). The camel's hump is like a storage container. When ...

  4. First we’ll start with the 3 species of true camels, followed by 4 types of camelids that are related to camels. 1. Bactrian camel. The Bactrian camel is a large ungulate mammal that is native to the steppes of Central Asia. It has two humps on its back, unlike its single-humped Arabian cousin, the Dromedary camel.

  5. 17 de sept. de 2020 · Camel Fact Sheet. Camel: even-toed ungulate (hoofed mammal) in the genus Camelus. There are two species of camel: the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) and the dromedary camel (Camelus ...

  6. Camels were domesticated more than 3,000 years ago, and to this day, humans depend on them for transport across arid environments. They can easily carry an extra 200 pounds (90 kilograms) while walking 20 miles (32 kilometers) a day in the harsh desert. Camels can travel as fast as horses but can also endure legendary periods of time without ...

  7. The Official Camel Website

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