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  1. Xmind AI is a full-featured, cloud-based mind mapping and brainstorming software with an AI copilot. Anytime, anywhere, anyone can collaboratively spark ideas online. Get Started for Free

  2. 30 de abr. de 2024 · Xmind Copilot represents the future of AI creation: a tool that augments human thinking rather than replacing it. You conceptualize ideas through mind maps, while ChatGPT assists you in transforming those ideas into well-crafted articles.

  3. Xmind. An all-in-one thinking tool featuring mind mapping, AI generation, and real-time collaboration. Try Online. Download App.

  4. 27 de may. de 2024 · En este video exploraremos el poder de XMAIND Copiloto, una herramienta de inteligencia artificial que transforma la creación de mapas mentales de metales con un solo clic. Descubre cómo esta...

  5. Xmind AI is an AI-powered innovative workplace, where teams collaborate on ideas seamlessly and shape the future of creativity together.

  6. › blog › lets-talk-about-xmind-and-ai-Let’s Talk About Xmind & AI

    29 de may. de 2023 · What can Xmind Copilot do for us? In short, it can expand ideas and efficiently generate articles with four main functions: One-liner: Enter a sentence in the text box, and GPT can generate a mind map with one click based on this sentence.

  7. Un solo click (2024) ¿Necesitas una herramienta para organizar tus ideas, generar soluciones creativas y potenciar tu productividad?Te guiaremos paso a paso a través del proce...

  8. Xmind Copilot is the developer’s free AI-enhanced mind mapping tool. Introduced several months ago, it enables you to generate an entire mind map from a single prompt, easily add details and depth to single branches and convert your AI-generated map into a cohesive article. It accomplishes this using ChatGPT 3.5.

  9. 29 de ene. de 2024 · En el video, exploraremos algunas de las principales funciones de Xmind Copilot, destacando su capacidad para: 1. Utilizar inteligencia artificial para concretar nuestras ideas y conceptos. 2....

  10. Xmind recently announced that it has merged two of its applications – and Xmind Copilot – into a new product called Xmind AI. But unless you have followed their AI apps very closely, you may not understand what this means.

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