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  1. Woody Guthrie. Woodrow Wilson Guthrie ( / ˈɡʌθri /; 14 Juli 1912 – 3 Oktober 1967) adalah seorang penyanyi, penulis lagu dan salah satu figur paling signifikan dalam musik foklor Amerika. Karyanya berfokus pada tema-tema sosialisme Amerika dan anti-fasisme. Musiknya meliputi lagu-lagu seperti "This Land Is Your Land", yang ditulis untuk ...

  2. Thinking of Woody Guthrie was released in 1969 by Vanguard Records and is the debut solo album of Country Joe McDonald, best known for his work with Country Joe & the Fish. It was a different approach by McDonald to release a folk music and country album in the style of Woody Guthrie. Prior to this solo release, he was known to make albums in a psychedelic style with his band.

  3. Columbia River Collection, originally released as the Columbia River Ballads, is a compilation album of songs folksinger Woody Guthrie wrote during his visit to the U.S. states of Oregon and Washington in 1941. Guthrie traveled to these states on the promise of a part narrating a documentary about the construction of public works dams and other projects in the Pacific Northwest.

  4. Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, nado en Okemah, Oklahoma, o 14 de xullo de 1912 e finado en Queens, Nova York, o 3 de outubro de 1967, foi un cantante de folk norteamericano.. Traxectoria. Identificado co home corrente, cos pobres e oprimidos en xeral, contrario ó fascismo e ós políticos en xeral e á explotación económica. A súa canción máis coñecida é "This Land Is Your Land".

  5. Conception. Circa 1943, in the midst of World War II, Guthrie wrote the war song "Talking Hitler's Head Off Blues."This was printed in the Daily Worker, a newspaper published by the Communist Party USA.Then, according to biographer Anne E. Neimark, "In a fit of patriotism and faith in the impact of the song, he painted on his guitar THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS."

  6. This is a set category. It should only contain pages that are Woody Guthrie albums or lists of Woody Guthrie albums, as well as subcategories containing those things (themselves set categories). Topics about Woody Guthrie albums in general should be placed in relevant topic categories. This category contains albums by Woody Guthrie.

  7. Woody Guthrie. Woodrow Wilson Guthrie ( Okemah, Oklahoma, 14 de juliol de 1912 – Nova York, 3 d'octubre de 1967 ), conegut amb el nom de Woody Guthrie, va ser un cantautor de folk estatunidenc. Era conegut per la seva identificació amb la gent del poble, els pobres i els oprimits, així com pel seu odi al feixisme i l'explotació.