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  1. 19 de feb. de 2024 · En los campos de cultivo de Puno, donde el déficit hídrico afecta severamente a la región, resurge un conocimiento ancestral para combatir la crisis climática: los Waru Waru.Estas estructuras circulares, que desde el cielo parecen geoglifos, son en realidad una antigua técnica prehispánica rescatada por agricultores del distrito de Acora.

  2. Waru is a 2017 New Zealand semi-anthology drama film about the tangi (funeral) of a small boy named Waru who dies at the hands of his caregiver, and how the boy's death impacts the community. Plot.

  3. 10 de abr. de 2020 · The waru-waru represent a technology that helps to balance the level of moisture in the soil for cultivation of tubers and grains, while increasing soil fertility . Waru-waru are a series of raised beds connected by a network of earth channels that prevent or delay flooding, while maintaining crop yield during periods of drought due to the moisture stored in the soil ( 18 , 15 ).

  4. Los Waru waru o Sukaqullu están ubicados en el altiplano entre Perú y Bolivia, alrededor del lago Titicaca a una altitud de 3800 m.n.s.m. aproximadamente. Un sistema agrícola-hidráulica amigable con la naturaleza que aprovecha áreas inundables o inundadas.

  5. WARU-WARU: UNA TECNOLOGIA AGRICOLA DEL ALTIPLANO PRE-HISP ANICO *. CLARK L. ERICKSON **. INTRODUCCION. Apenas ha comenzado la investigación pormenorizada, llámese a esta. arqueológica o ecológica, de los sistemas intensivos de explotación hidráulico agrícolas autóctonos de las Américas (Denevan 1970, 1982). La investigación.

  6. Waru was a trans-dimensional being hailing from a universe parallel to the galaxy's own. His species differed from those known to New Republic databases. Waru was considered a healer by many, due to his ability to treat injuries utilizing his own body. Physically, Waru was predominantly blob-shaped, and consisted of several golden plates acting as shields around a layer of raw, permeable tissue.

  7. 11 de feb. de 2024 · Farmers have made six Waru Waru nearby in flood-prone fields. Furrows form a rectangular platform, where planting is done. Surrounded by water, the planting beds are up to 100 meters long, between ...

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