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  1. Hace 6 horas · IG追蹤人次破百萬,饒舌界新星伊恩.迪奧(Iann Dior)將在5月17日於Legacy Taipei登台獻藝,自2019年於SoundCloud發行首支單曲〈Cutthroat〉以來,他便躍升值得矚目的明日之星,同年發行的首張專輯《Industry Plant》,大開圈內慣用貶抑詞「Industry plant」的玩笑——該詞一般用以揶揄那些仰賴裙帶關係,卻透過 ...

  2. Hace 1 día · In the history of motion pictures in the United States, many films have been set in New York City, or a fictionalized version thereof.. The following is a list of films and documentaries set in New York, however the list includes a number of films which only have a tenuous connection to the city.