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Hour of Code is a global movement that introduces millions of students to computer science through one-hour coding activities. Register your event and explore resources for hosting an Hour of Code in your classroom or school.
La Hora de código es un movimiento global que tiene como objetivo introducir a millones de estudiantes en la informática a través de actividades de codificación de una hora.
Join the global movement of Hour of Code and learn how to code with 100 fun and engaging activities in over 45 languages. Explore computer science and AI with Minecraft, dance party, oceans, and more.
Prelector - Grado 5 | Bloques. CodeCombat: ¡escapa del Calabozo! A partir de Grado 2 | JavaScript, Python, Lua, CoffeeScript. La aventura del puntito. Grados 2-8 | Idioma independiente (se puede enseñar en varios idiomas) CodeCombat: ¡crea tu propio juego! is a nonprofit organization that promotes computer science education for all students. Hour of Code is a global movement that invites everyone to try one hour of coding and discover the possibilities of computer science.
Join the global movement of Hour of Code and try coding for one hour with Khan Academy. Choose from different topics like drawing, webpages, and databases and learn the basics of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SQL.
Learn about the global movement to celebrate computer science with one-hour coding activities for all ages and backgrounds. Find out how to join, support, and participate in the Hour of Code campaign with over 400 partners and 200,000 educators.