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  1. The Face is a secondary antagonist in Treasure Island, a horror game based on the classic Disney ride. He appears as a deformed and melting Mickey Mouse with human eyes, and can kill the player by crawling out of the vents or the office.

  2. Color (s): Black, red, white, cream. Starting Location: The Roof. First appearance: Night 1 (rarely) Night 2. The Face (previously referred to as " Distorted Mickey Mouse ") is a distorted version of Mickey Mouse, and an antagonist in the game Five Nights at Treasure Island.

  3. The Face (La Cara en Español) es uno de los antagonistas secundarios de Five Nights at Treasure Island. The Face es el único toon en el juego que no se fusiono en Hourglass en la Noche 6, en lugar, continuo residiendo en el piso 1 de Cavernas Piratas.

  4. The Face (anteriormente denominado "Distorted Mickey") es una versión distorsionada de Mickey Mouse, y un antagonista en el juego Five Nights At Treasure Island.

  5. The Face is a hostile character in Abandoned: Discovery Island and its spin-offs, based on a deformed Mickey Mouse costume that escaped from Disney. Learn about his appearance, behavior, history, personality, errors, trivia and sound files.

  6. › wiki › The_FaceThe Face - FNATI Wiki

    The Face is a character in the game Five Nights At Treasure Island, based on Mickey Mouse with a melted body. Learn about his appearance, behavior, and role in the game on FNATI Wiki.

  7. The Face is a mutilated mouse-like creature with white eyes and a broken mouth. He appears on the Roof and the Office in the game FNAF fan-made game FNAF: Treasure Island.

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