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  1. Recipe Gallery. A collection of easy-to-digest code examples for specific tasks in about 30 lines of code or less. Queue with Progress Steps. Bootstrap 5 + custom loader. React example. React Router example. Formik example. Yes/No/Cancel Dialog. Draw Attention / Persistent Dialog. Colored Toasts. Crop User Image with Cropper.js. Login Form.

  2. › guidesSweetAlert

    SweetAlert uses promises to keep track of how the user interacts with the alert. If the user clicks the confirm button, the promise resolves to true. If the alert is dismissed (by clicking outside of it), the promise resolves to null.

  3. 30 de jun. de 2015 · 9. I have been having this issue with SweetAlert2 as well. SA2 differs from 1 and puts everything inside the result object. The following above can be accomplished with the following code. title: 'A cool title', icon: 'info', confirmButtonText: 'Log in'. }).then((result) => {. if (result['isConfirmed']){.

  4. If set to false, the user can't confirm the modal by pressing the Enter or Space keys, unless they manually focus the confirm button. showConfirmButton: true: If set to false, a "Confirm"-button will not be shown. It can be useful when you're using custom HTML description. showCancelButton: false

  5. Yes/No/Cancel Dialog

  6. 16 de dic. de 2019 · Resumen: mostrar una introducción (instalación y uso) a Sweet Alert 2, una librería de JavaScript para mostrar alertas y diálogos de confirmación con un diseño bonito. Te mostraré cómo descargar SweetAlert 2, además de: Mostrar una alerta. Personalizar el contenido. Mostrar un diálogo de confirmación y saber respuesta del usuario.

  7. By design, SweetAlert uses Promises to keep track of how the user interacts with the HTML-based alert and it's non-blocking (you can still interact with the webpage/UI) as opposed to the browser's built-in confirm() method, which, when displaying the modal window, it prevents the user from accessing the rest of the program's interface until the ...