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  1. Oleadas de peligrosos zombis asesinos se dirigen hacia ti sin parar recorriendo las calles de tu ciudad en el juego! ¿Conseguirás controlar al héroe que llevas dentro mientras intentas destruir esta terrible amenaza salvando a los habitantes de una terrible y sangrienta muerte?

  2. 28 de ago. de 2024 · The city is in peril! Awakened by the trial of dreams, you've no choice but to take on the heroic mantle of saving the city! As a human warrior with unlimited potential, you and other survivors...

  3. ¡Sobrevive al más emocionante juego multijugador de disparos en! Recolecta munición, armas, botiquines de primeros auxilios, incluso armaduras, e intenta matar a los demás jugadores que se desplazan a través del escenario.

  4. Try to be the last survivor of a ruthless Battle Royale in the game Like a 2D's Fortnite or PUBG, you will have to explore a large map looking for weapons, ammo and bonuses in order to eliminate every opponent who has the misfortune to cross your path.

  5. Waves of dangerous zombie-killers are heading towards you relentlessly through the streets of your city in the game! Will you manage to control the hero in you as you try to destroy this terrible menace saving the inhabitants from a terrible bloody death?

  6. Brace yourself against the relentless hordes of zombies with Survivor IO, a gripping survival game in which players try to stay alive for as long as possible! The zombie apocalypse is coming, so take up your weapon and be the last one standing in Survivor IO!

  7. 14 de ago. de 2018 · is a free multiplayer top-down battle royale game taking place on an island with buildings and raw materials providing all necessary to gear up yourself and start fighting against other survivors to be the last one standing player. You have the only goal and it is survive.

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