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  1. Stellarium es un planetario de código abierto para su computadora. Muestra un cielo auténtico en 3D, tal como lo que ve a simple vista, con binoculares o un telescopio. Una estrella fugaz parpadea detrás de Júpiter.

  2. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. A shooting star flashes past the Jupiter.

  3. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. A shooting star flashes past Jupiter.

  4. › release › 2023/07/02Stellarium 23.2

    2 de jul. de 2023 · The Stellarium Team has released version 23.2. The major changes of this version: vectorize marker of deep-sky objects; updated support locations; discovery circumstances for solar system objects; Behind the scenes, many more minor issues were fixed. TELESCOPE USERS

  5. › release › 2024/03/26Stellarium 24.1

    26 de mar. de 2024 · The Stellarium Team has released version 24.1. The major changes of this version: Added low graphics mode; Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools; Improvements in Scripting Engine; Updates in Core; Behind the scenes, many more minor issues were fixed. TELESCOPE USERS

  6. A Stellarium szabad, nyílt forráskódú számítógépes planetáriumprogram. Élethű 3D-s látványt nyújt – mintha szabad szemmel, binokulárral vagy távcsővel néznénk az eget. Egy hullócsillag halad el a Jupiternél.

  7. › release › 2023/12/23Stellarium 23.4

    23 de dic. de 2023 · The Stellarium Team has released version 23.4. The major changes of this version: New plugin: Lens Distortion Estimator (experimental) New sky culture: Tibetan Lunar Mansions; Changed GUI: ability to change the look via normalStyle.css; Added new MESA for Windows packages; Added support Windows/ARM64 packages; Added support the ...

  8. Stellarium é um planetário de código aberto para o seu computador. Ele mostra um céu realista em três dimensões igual ao que se vê a olho nu, com binóculos ou telescópio. A shooting star flashes past the Jupiter.

  9. Stellarium 是一款开源的天象模拟软件。 它以3D形式展示了极为逼真的星空,就像你在真实世界使用裸眼,双筒望远镜或天文望远镜看到的一样。 一颗流星掠过木星。

  10. › release › 2024/06/23Stellarium 24.2

    23 de jun. de 2024 · The Stellarium Team has released version 24.2. The major changes of this version: Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools; Updates in sky cultures; Updates in GUI; Behind the scenes, many more minor issues were fixed. TELESCOPE USERS. We have identified some bugs in the TelescopeControl plugin on the Qt6-based releases.

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