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  1. Find the indefinite pronouns. Somebody, anything, nowhere. Something, anybody... 1. Something, anybody... 2. Something, anybody... 3. Somebody / anybody / nobody. Some / any / something / somebody. Something, anything, nothing... Someone / any one / no one.

    • Any / Some

      Grammar exercises: any, some. Determiners: a, an, some, or...

  2. Learn 'something', 'anything', 'nothing', etc. with our A2 pre-intermediate grammar lesson, with an intuitive chart, exercises, and examples!

  3. Something and anything - exercises. Indefinite pronouns: complete the following sentences with anything or something . Index of contents. A / an / any / some Something / somebody ... Home. A, an, any, some. Something - somebody.. Worksheets - handouts. Home. Content. Something, anything

  4. Indefinite Pronouns Exercise 1. Perfect English Grammar. This exercise is about somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody / nothing / nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere. Read the lesson about these words here. Download this lesson in PDF here.

  5. Task No. 2427. Put in something, someone, somewhere or anything, anyone, anywhere into the gaps.. Show example

  6. Ejercicio - cómo usar something, anything, somebody etc. en inglés. Escribe sólo una de las dos palabras que ves separadas por el signo / . Ejemplo: There's anywhere/somebody in the house. Respuesta: somebody