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  1. The Nurses are a recurring type of monster and a staple of the Silent Hill series, making appearances of one sort or another in all of the titles, excluding Shattered Memories, as well as Silent Hill 4: The Room which features Patients instead.

  2. Las enfermeras son un tipo recurrente de monstruo y una tradición en la historia de Silent Hill, apareciendo de una u otra forma en todos los juegos. Son visualmente parecidas en todas las entregas y comparten características comunes, siendo el primer Silent Hill la excepción por la disgresión de…

  3. The Demon Nurse, or simply Nurse, is a nurse-themed monster appearing in Silent Hill: Homecoming and Silent Hill: Downpour - Anne's Story, serving as the first enemy that Alex Shepherd encounters in the Otherworld.

  4. › wiki › EnfermeraEnfermera - ElOtroLado

    Las enfermeras o Puppet Nurses (Enfermeras títere) son un enemigo básico que aparece en el primer Silent Hill, y que se encuentran solamente en el hospital Alchemilla y en Ninguna Parte.

  5. 27 de nov. de 2022 · Let's take a look at the history of one of the most recognisable monsters in the survival horror genre - The creepy nurses from Silent Hill ...

  6. La evolución de las enfermeras de SIlENT HILL a través de los años.The evolution of SILENT HILL nurses through the years.

  7. 18 de sept. de 2012 · The Nurse is another famous monster in all of Silent Hill. They are encountered in both Silent Hill 2 & 3. Nurses dress like a stereotypical Japanese Nurse, but at the same time, they look dead.

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