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  1. 11 de ene. de 2022 · El Monte Rushmore (Simbolos Americanos) Rodeados por el incomparable marco de las montañas Black Hills, en Dakota del Sur, los rostros colosales de cuatro de los presidentes más importantes de los Estados Unidos de América, tallados en el Monte Rushmore, contemplan impasibles el horizonte. Este monumento faraónico fue concebido como un ...

  2. 19 de ene. de 2023 · Use the links below to find out when the memorial is open, what the fees are and the current conditions. You can also find information about some of the rules and regulations.

  3. Mount Rushmore (volledig: Mount Rushmore National Memorial) is een Amerikaans monument, ... Gutzon Borglum, die even daarvoor had getekend voor het ontwerp van het Confederation Memorial, een bas-reliëf in Stone Mountain in de staat Georgia. Deze reageerde meteen enthousiast.

  4. Mount Rushmore before construction around 1905. A few hundred workers, most of whom were miners, sculptors, or rock climbers, used dynamite, jackhammers, and chisels to remove material from the mountain. A stairway was constructed to the top of the mountain, where ropes were fixed. Workers were supported by harnesses attached to the ropes.

  5. 23 de dic. de 2023 · 拉什莫爾山國家紀念公園(英語: Mount Rushmore National Memorial ),中文媒體常稱美國總統公園 、美國總統山 、總統雕像山 ,是坐落於美國 南達科他州 基斯通附近的 美國總統紀念設施 ( 英語 : Presidential memorials in the United States ) 。 公園內有四座高達60英尺(約合18米)的美國歷史上著名的前總統 ...

  6. O Monte Rushmore (em inglês: Mount Rushmore; em dacota: Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe, Igmútȟaŋka Pahá) localiza-se em Keystone, no estado do Dakota do Sul, Estados Unidos . É um monte onde estão esculpidos os rostos de quatro Presidentes dos Estados Unidos: George Washington, o primeiro presidente dos EUA, Thomas Jefferson, autor da ...

  7. 4 de jul. de 2022 · The story behind Mt. Rushmore. The Six Grandfathers (Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe) was named by Lakota medicine man Nicolas Black Elk after a vision. “ The vision was of the six sacred directions: west, east, north, south, above, and below. The directions were said to represent kindness and love, full of years and wisdom, like human grandfathers.”.