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  1. Rudyard Kipling has 6373 books on Goodreads with 880579 ratings. Rudyard Kiplings most popular book is The Jungle Book.

  2. Los libros de la selva. Kipling, Rudyard. 978-84-1178-057-5. Olvidamos con frecuencia que El libro de la selva en realidad son dos: El libro de la selva (1894) y el Segundo libro de la selva (1895); y que no todas sus historias tienen como protagonista a Mougli, ni ocurren siquiera en la India.

  3. Algunas de sus obras más populares son la colección de relatos El libro de la selva, la novela de espionaje Kim, el relato corto « El hombre que pudo ser rey » y los poemas « Gunga Din » y « Si... ». Varias de sus obras han sido llevadas al cine.

  4. This is a bibliography of works by Rudyard Kipling, including books, short stories, poems, and collections of his works.

  5. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was one of the most popular writers in the United Kingdom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His fiction works include The Jungle Book — a classic of children’s literature — and the rousing adventure novel Kim, as well as books of poems, short stories, and essays.

  6. Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (1888). His poems include Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890), The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919), The White Man's Burden (1899), and If— (1910).

  7. Lecturalia. Rudyard Kipling. País: Inglaterra. Nacimiento: Bombay, 30 de diciembre de 1865. Defunción: Londres, 18 de enero de 1936. Biografía de Rudyard Kipling.