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  1. csTimer is a professional and versatile timer for speedcubing and training. It supports various scramble modes, inspection, multi-phase, keyboard and stackmat input, statistics, themes, and more. You can also export and import your solves, or connect to a smart cube. Try it now and improve your skills!

  2. A web-based tool for timing and analyzing your Rubik's Cube solving speed and performance. It has a built-in scramble generator, a graph of your results, and a solver and simulator for WCA twisty puzzles.

  3. Rubik's Cube online timer for speedcubing. Simple but complete - scramble generator, timer with sound, automatic averaging and much more! L2 U2 D' R L' U F2 U2 B' R' B2 D2 F2 R2 U F2 D F2 L2 D F2. 00.00. Pulsa la barra espaciadora para iniciar (Se detiene con cualquier tecla). ...

  4. Use this simple and crisp timer to record your speedcubing times with automatic averages and best, worst and trimmed results. You can also see the scramble sequence, play sounds, and read comments from other cubers.

  5. A web-based tool for timing your Rubik's cube solves and other mechanical puzzles. Supports different cube sizes, modes, and features, and lets you save and compare your sessions and scrambles.

  6. Rubik's Cube online timer for speedcubing. Simple but complete - scramble generator, timer with sound, automatic averaging and much more! U2 R2 F' L2 F' D2 B2 L2 U2 F R2 D B D2 L U' L' F' L2 F2. 00.00. Press the spacebar to start (It stops with any key). Cube 3x3x3. Stats. Best Current; Mo: 3---- ...