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  1. Roy William Harper Jr. è un personaggio dei fumetti DC Comics . È stato per decenni il giovane assistente di Freccia Verde (come lo è, ad esempio, Robin per Batman ), con il nome di Speedy I. La versione moderna ha assunto inizialmente l'identità di Arsenale, per poi aggregarsi alla JLA come Freccia Rossa . Roy/Speedy ha fatto parte dei ...

  2. Roy William Harper Jr. (nacido en 1991)[1], llamado simplemente Roy Harper es un adolescente callejero de Los Glades. Es el hijo del finado Roy Harper Sr. y una mujer desconocida. Es novio de Thea Queen, buen amigo de Sin, quien le pone el sobrenombre de Abercrombie y antiguo pupilo de Oliver Queen. Roy nació en 1991, hijo de Roy Harper, Sr.. Años más tarde por circunstancias extrañas su ...

  3. Roy William Harper, Jr., also known as Speedy, is a major character in the DC Comics universe. Harper originally started as the teenage sidekick of the Green Arrow, going by the title Speedy and helped his mentor fight crime. Speedy become a master archer like his partner, ...

  4. Biography [] Original multiverse [] Early life []. Roy Harper was born on July 13, 1991, to Roy Harper, Sr. and an unnamed woman in Starling City.He grew up in the Glades and had a rough life, having to partake in minor criminal acts to survive. Roy racked up a record of robbery, B&E, stealing a car, and several counts of petty theft. He was also arrested for larceny and aggravated assault.

  5. 军火库(Arsenal)是美国DC漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《多趣漫画》(More Fun Comics)第73期(1941年11月)。本名小罗伊·威廉·哈珀(Roy William Harper, Jr.),是绿箭的助手快手(Speedy),与养父绿箭闹掰后自称军火库(Arsenal),最后加入正义联盟自称红箭(Red Arrow)。

  6. Green Arrow's first sidekick Speedy, and later Arsenal, and then Red Arrow, Roy Harper has grown to become one of the most accomplished marksmen and heroes in the DC Universe. Roy now goes by the ...

  7. Speedy is the sidekick to Green Arrow and a member of Team Arrow. Originally Speedy was Roy Harper, the legal ward of Oliver Queen. As a young super-hero, he fights crime using martial arts and trick arrows. Eventually he would out-grow this position and graduate to calling himself Arsenal, then later Red Arrow. He was a member of the Teen Titans in his youth. Roy Harper was created by Mort ...

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