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  1. Considerada un icono cultural del siglo XX y una de las bandas más influyentes, exitosas y aclamadas en la historia de la música popular, obtuvo gran popularidad dentro del circuito underground gracias a su música psicodélica y espacial, que con el paso del tiempo evolucionó hacia el rock progresivo y el rock sinfónico adquiriendo la popularidad...

  2. The concert, filmed on 20 October 1994 at Earls Court in London, saw Pink Floyd play some of their classic tracks as well as highlights from the recently released album ‘The Division Bell ...

  3. › wiki › Pink_FloydPink Floyd - Wikipedia

    Pink Floyd are an English rock band formed in London in 1965. Gaining an early following as one of the first British psychedelic groups, they were distinguished by their extended compositions, sonic experiments, philosophical lyrics, and elaborate live shows.

  4. › user › OfficialPinkFloydPink Floyd - YouTube

    Pink Floyd, one of the most successful and influential groups ever, formed in the 1960s when Roger Waters, Nick Mason and Richard Wright were studying at college in London.

  5. Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound of Thunder (1988)Chapters:00:00:38 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5)00:12:16 - Signs of Life00:15:45 ...

  6. ¿Quién es Pink Floyd? Pink Floyd fue un grupo de rock británico que cosechó gran popularidad gracias a su música psicodélica que, con el paso del tiempo, fue evolucionando hacia el rock progresivo y el rock sinfónico.

  7. Hace 3 días · Pink Floyd is a British rock band that was at the forefront of 1960s psychedelia and popularized the concept album for mass rock audiences in the 1970s.

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