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  1. Peter's Law #22: "The day before something is a breakthrough, it's a crazy idea." INSIGHTS IN YOUR INBOX The latest insights on exponential technologies and entrepreneurship delivered straight to your inbox.

  2. › hubfs › Peters Laws_2021Peter Diamandis

    Peter Diamandis

  3. 30 de jul. de 2011 · It is for this reason that I decided to post the full list of Peters Laws. I believe that we can all benefit from adopting these laws as guiding principles in our lives. Enjoy! Download the .pdf poster with the latest version of Peters Laws. Peters Laws: The Creed of the Persistent and Passionate mind (circa July 2011)

  4. Peter´s Laws. Internalize the 28 laws that have guided Peter to success. These principles and truisms will guide you in times of difficulty and opportunity. Print out this PDF and hang it in your office or home. Please submit your information to download this resource. Email *.

  5. › hubfs › 2973685HubSpot

    THE CREED OF THE PASSIONATE AND PERSISTENT MIND [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [ 15 ] [16] [17] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] If anything can go wrong ...

  6. 1. Si algo puede salir mal, arréglalo! Deja de asumir que la Ley de Murphy [Si algo puede salir mal, saldrá mal.] es una realidad, que te atraca día con día, que te consume y devasta hasta dejarte inmóvil y sin sentido. Esa ley es la fórmula perfecta para el desastre.

  7. 26 de may. de 2016 · When faced without a challenge, make one. “No” simply means begin again at one level higher. Don’t walk when you can run. When in doubt: THINK! Patience is a virtue, but persistence to the ...