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  1. drama. Parks and Recreation: Sarjassa seurataan Leslie Knopea, joka on Indianan Pawneen puisto-osaston keskitason virkamies. Hän yrittää kaunistaa kaupunkiaan ja edetä poliittisella urallaan paikallishallinnon arkipäiväisessä maailmassa. Katsele rajattomasti. Peru koska tahansa.

  2. drama. Parks and Recreation: We follow Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of Pawnee, Indiana, in her attempt to beautify her town and advance her political career via the hilariously mundane world of local government. Unlimited streaming.

  3. 29 de jun. de 2022 · Pero 'Parks and Recreation' no llegará sola. Su principal influencia, 'The Office', con la que comparte la puesta en escena de falso documental cómico, con los protagonistas hablando a cámara y ...

  4. drama. Parks and Recreation: Leslie Knope, een middenniveau bureaucraat van de parken en recreatie-afdeling van Pawnee, Indiana poogt haar stadje te verfraaien en haar politieke carrière te bevorderen via de hilarische, alledaagse wereld van de lokale politiek. Onbeperkt streamen. Ieder moment opzegbaar.

  5. 23 de feb. de 2024 · Parks and recreation (HBO y Prime Vídeo) En el mundo de la política local, combina humor absurdo, que recuerda a The Office, y el entusiasmo que rodea el día a día en el departamento de ...

  6. drama. Parks and Recreation: We follow Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of Pawnee, Indiana, in her attempt to beautify her town and advance her political career via the hilariously mundane world of local government. Unlimited streaming.

  7. Parks and Recreation is now available to stream on HBO Max, along with other popular TV shows like Friends and The Big Bang Theory. For those who may not be familiar with the show, Parks and Recreation is a comedy series that aired on NBC from 2009-2015. The show is set in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana and follows the daily lives of the ...