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  1. 9 de may. de 2023 · Obtenga la base de datos de ejemplo Northwind para SQL Server. Descargue el script instnwnd.sql del siguiente repositorio de GitHub para crear y cargar la base de datos de ejemplo Northwind para SQL Server: Bases de datos de muestra Northwind y pubs para SQL Server 2000.

  2. Learn how to download and create the Northwind sample database for SQL Server from a GitHub repository. The Northwind database is used in some examples and walkthroughs in the LINQ to SQL documentation.

  3. 21 de abr. de 2022 · Para instalar la Base de Datos de ejemplo Northwind: Descarga el ZIP que tienes en este enlace. y descomprímelo en cualquier carpeta de tu equipo. Dentro hay un archivo llamado northwind.sql.

  4. This web page is a GitHub repository that contains SQL scripts and files for the Northwind Pubs database, a sample database for SQL Server. It also has links to other databases, applications, and tutorials for SQL Server.

  5. Now, as a follow-up, a group of deeply experienced Access MVPs convened to re-invigorate Northwind by creating the Northwind 2.0 Developer Edition .In addition to improving the database design and functionality, they have created detailed step-by-step explanations of its components.

  6. The Northwind Web Services Example project explores different features of ServiceStack using data from Northwind SQlite Database. Rest Services ServiceStack's REST Services, are just normal Web Services with the addition of a [Route] attribute that allows you to provide the canonical / permanent location for your web service.

  7. Welcome! The Northwind 2.0 Developer Edition Template expands on the concepts of the Northwind 2.0 Starter edition, with a more complete data model and more sophisticated features. To learn more, select any of the following topics. About the Template.