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  1. 娜歐蜜·坎貝兒(英語: Naomi Campbell ,1970年5月22日 — ),生於英國首都倫敦,暱稱「黑珍珠」、「人類最完美骨骼」,童星出身的英國超級名模、歌手、舞蹈家、作家、慈善家。 是世界模特史上最成功的非裔模特。

  2. 29 de jun. de 2023 · Campbell is indeed defying expectations around age and motherhood. She first became a parent in 2021 at age 50. While Campbell hasn’t revealed whether she carried the child or used a surrogate ...

  3. Naomi Elaine Campbell, född 22 maj 1970 i Streatham, Lambeth, London, är en brittisk fotomodell. Hon är även sångerska, författare och skådespelerska. Biografi. Naomi Campbell har studerat vid skolorna London Academy For Performing Arts och Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts. Hon blev upptäckt som ...

  4. 娜奥米·坎贝尔(英语:Naomi Campbell)是出生于英国的超模,是当今欧美时尚界首屈一指的黑人女性模特。 1970年,娜奥米·坎贝尔出生于英国伦敦。她的母亲 Valerie Campbell (née Morris)是一位来自牙买加非洲裔家庭的芭蕾舞演员。她的父亲从未被媒体披露,但有情报称其同样为来自牙买加的华人后裔。其 ...

  5. 19 de oct. de 2020 · Naomi Campbell is a speaker at Vogue’s 2020 Forces of Fashion conference, taking place November 16th and November 17th. Learn more and buy tickets here . Photo: Getty Images

  6. 21 de may. de 2023 · Naomi Campbell nació el 22 de mayo de 1970 en Streatham, al sur del Támesis, en Londres. Hasta los 12 años se crió con su abuela, porque su madre jamaiquina Valerie era bailarina y vivía en ...

  7. 17 de abr. de 2024 · Naomi Campbell (born May 22, 1970, London, England) British fashion model and actress best known as one of the elite “ supermodels” who dominated the fashion industry in the 1980s and ’90s. She was the first Black model to appear on the cover of many luxury fashion magazines.She is also known for her high-profile legal entanglements and philanthropy, which included the founding of the ...

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