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  1. › species › 3190638Mangifera indica L.

    In addition, a M. indica leaves dichloromethanic fraction exerts an ACE-inhibitory activity similar to captopril either in vitro and in vivo, suggesting flavonoids as main contributors to this activity (Ronchi et al., 2015). Mangiferin is the constituent of mango individually investigated for its antihypertensive effects (Fig. 2).

  2. 28 de mar. de 2021 · Mango (Mangifera indica L.), the king of fruits, belongs to the family Anacardiaceae. Myanmar, Thailand, Indo-China, and Malaya during the Eocene or an earlier period in the Cretaceous were assumed to be the origin of genus Mangifera. Later, the genus spread to...

  3. 13 de jul. de 2023 · Árbol Mangifera indica . Mangifera Indica es uno de los árboles frutales más grandes del mundo, con una altura de hasta 45 m. Su copa (zona donde se ramifican las ramas) se extiende como un paraguas, alcanzando hasta 10 m de diámetro y su tronco hasta 1,2 m de diámetro.

  4. INTRODUCTION. Mangifera indica (MI), also known as mango, aam, it has been an important herb in the Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for over 4000 years. Mangoes belong to genus Mangifera which consists of about 30 species of tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae.

  5. Mangifera indica, commonly known as mango, is a species of flowering plant in the family Anacardiaceae. It is a large fruit tree , capable of growing to a height of 30 metres (100 feet). There are two distinct genetic populations in modern mangoes – the "Indian type" and the "Southeast Asian type".

  6. Mangifera indica L., Sp. Pl. 200. 1753. Arboles grandes, hasta 40 m de alto y ca 150 cm de ancho, corteza exterior grisácea a café negruzca, longitudinalmente fisurada, corteza interna amarilla, savia clara a café-amarillenta; plantas hermafroditas.

  7. Mangifera indica, comúnmente mango o melocotón de los trópicos, es una especie arbórea frutal perteneciente a la familia Anacardiaceae . Un árbol de mango floreciente. en Kerala ( India ). Flores en panículas (cada panícula produce solo 2 o 3 mangos). Retoño de mango. Semilla monospermo del fruto.