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  1. タイサンボク (泰山木、 学名 : Magnolia grandiflora )は、 モクレン科 モクレン属 に属する 常緑 高木 の1種である。. 別名で、ダイサンボク、ハクレンボクともよばれる。. ときに高さ20 メートル になる大木であり、白い9枚の 花被片 からなる大きく碗状の ...

  2. Magnolia grandiflora. evergreen magnolia. A large, rounded evergreen tree about about 12m tall or more with glossy dark green, leathery, oblong-elliptic leaves, often rusty-brown beneath, and highly fragrant, cup-shaped, cream flowers to 25cm across in late summer and autumn

  3. 19 de oct. de 2021 · Le Magnolia Grandiflora est reconnaissable à ses grandes et somptueuses fleurs blanches, et à son feuillage persistant. Ce magnolia d'été, parfois surnommé « laurier tulipier », a la particularité de fleurir non pas au printemps, mais en été. Croissance, taille, floraison… Découvrez les spécificités et l'entretien du Magnolia Grandiflora.

  4. Le magnolia grandiflora redoute les vents forts et frais l’hiver. Si vous plantez en hiver, évitez les périodes de gel. Dans tous les cas, préférez un lieu pas trop chaud l’été ni trop humide l’hiver. A la plantation, prévoir un arrosage régulier au printemps. Il a besoin d’être arrosé en cas de forte chaleur.

  5. Magnolia grandiflora is a broadleaf evergreen tree that is noted for its attractive dark green leaves and its large, extremely fragrant flowers. It typically grows to 60-80’ tall with a pyramidal to rounded crown. This is a magnificent tree of the South. It is native to moist wooded areas in the southeastern United States from North Carolina ...

  6. Magnolia Species: grandiflora Family: Magnoliaceae Uses (Ethnobotany): It was traditionally used medicinally to treat circulatory system disorders. The leaves, fruits, bark and wood yield variety of extracts with potential applications of pharmaceuticals. The wood is light, soft, and tan-colored with indistinct grain.

  7. Descrizione. La magnolia grandiflora è un albero, con crescita lenta, alta fino a 25-30 metri e molto longeva, potendo diventare plurisecolare, con chioma piramidale, fogliame fitto dalla base all'apice. È una pianta sempreverde e latifoglia.. Corteccia. La corteccia è di colore marrone grigetto scuro, marroncino nei rami giovani; quando invecchia la corteccia si spacca in piccole lamine e ...

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