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  1. Magnolia grandiflora require little pruning, so just remove damaged or awkwardly positioned branches. Pruning should be carried out in mid-summer to early autumn (avoid late winter to early spring). Evergreen Magnolia trees can be pruned into shape, but should not be heavily pruned as they can go into shock.

  2. De Magnolia grandiflora van wordt dan ook rechtstreeks geïmporteerd uit Noord-Spanje. Daar worden ze jarenlang door ervaren kwekers gesnoeid en opgekweekt. Hierdoor zijn de bomen 'rijp' om te verkopen. Je bestelt de Magnolia grandiflora ‘Galissonière’ makkelijk en snel bij We bezorgen de magnoliaboom bij ...

  3. Magnolia grandiflora is a broadleaf evergreen tree that is noted for its attractive dark green leaves and its large, extremely fragrant flowers. It typically grows to 60-80’ tall with a pyramidal to rounded crown. This is a magnificent tree of the South. It is native to moist wooded areas in the southeastern United States from North Carolina ...

  4. Magnolia grandiflora poate ajunge la maturitate la o înălțime de 30 m și un diametru de 12 m. Acest arbore este ușor de întreținut și rezistent la clima noastră. Se pretează la soare, semi-umbra șu umbră. Preferă solurile afânate și bogate în nutrienți. Această specie de magnolia nu necesită tundere.

  5. Grow Magnolia grandiflora as a free-standing tree, either un-pruned or trimmed to a pyramidal shape, or train against a fence, wall, or vertical framework.In cold areas, train against a warm south- or west-facing wall where the ‘storage heater’ effect of the wall mitigates hard frosts. Feed annually, in early spring, with a general fertilizer, and prune in mid-spring if required.

  6. 19 de abr. de 2021 · Die festen Blätter ähneln denen der tropischen Gummibäume. Sie ist auch unter dem Namen Großblättrige oder Immergrüne Magnolie bekannt. Die Magnolia grandiflora verfügt über eine geringere Winterhärte als ihre Sorten. Das erlaubt das Auspflanzen vor allem in geschützten und warmen Spätsommerlagen Deutschlands.

  7. 9 de ago. de 2022 · magnolia. Cultivo. El material que aquí se trabaja tiene carácter informativo. En caso de duda, consúltese con el facultativo. "Botanical-online" no se hace responsable de los perjuicios ocasionados por la automedicación. El riego de la magnolia debe ser abundante y frecuente, especialmente en verano y después de plantarla o trasplantarla.

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