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  1. Lardil, also spelled Leerdil or Leertil, is a moribund language spoken by the Lardil people on Mornington Island (Kunhanha), in the Wellesley Islands of Queensland in northern Australia. Lardil is unusual among Aboriginal Australian languages in that it features a ceremonial register , called Damin (also Demiin).

  2. 6 de jun. de 2021 · Beneficios y usos de la zarzaparrilla. Mejora los casos de psoriasis, acné y eczema aplicando localmente esta planta en forma de cataplasma. Se utiliza tradicionalmente de forma interna para las dolencias de riñones y vejiga. La infusión de zarzaparrilla combate la retención de líquidos.

  3. Lardil (G38) incorporates a special speech variety called Demiin (G38) for use in particular occasions. Demiin (or: Damin) utilises a particular phonological range, and consist of a hundred or so word stems which exhibit highly abstract semantics to express the complex range of concepts spoken about in Lardil (Hale and Nash, 1997:247-8).

  4. The Lardil male initiate language, Damin, is a unique linguistic system. ... Finally, the domain of ethnobiology is considered, with specific attention paid to traditional medicine – a domain typically thought to clearly show the effects of shifts in language and lifestyle. A first pharmacopeia of Marra bush medicine is presented ...

  5. Descargar gratis. Distribuidora Autorizada. American Heart Association. Laerdal Medical es un Distribuidor Autorizado de AHA, como una variedad de productos educativos, como Pals, BLS, ACLS, Heart Saver, e-Cards, etc. Lee mas. Empoderando a los héroes del día a día.

  6. 14 de sept. de 2011 · After reviewing what is of such interest in Lardil, a body of data is assembled which alters our understanding of the empirical facts and theoretical implications of Lardil phonology. Hale's process of Laminalization is reanalyzed as Apicalization; constrained lexical exceptions are found with respect to Apocope, Apicalization and Truncation; and a process of Raising is identified.

  7. 1 de sept. de 2011 · The word final phonology of Lardil was brought to the attention of linguists by Ken Hale. in the 1960s and since then certain properties of the data have led it to occupy a. privileged position ...