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  1. Kris is a human Lightner and the main protagonist of Deltarune. They are presumably the human Hero of Light in the Prophecy. In a Dark World, they function as the party's leader. Kris is controlled by the player for the majority of the game.

  2. Kris es el personaje humano y uno de los protagonistas que controlamos en Delta Rune. Líder de <nombre del Team> y posiblemente " Chara " luego de una ruta Pacifista Post Genocida. Apariencia. Inicialmente Kris aparece con el cabello castaño rojizo algo desordenado y piel de un tono oliva.

  3. Kris is a human Lightner and the main protagonist of Deltarune and UNDERTALE. They are the adopted younger sibling of Asriel and Clover. They are presumably the human Hero of Light in the Prophecy. In a Dark World, they function as the party's leader. Kris is directed by LEMONADE for the majority of the time.

  4. Kris Dreemurr is the main protagonist of the indie RPG game DELTARUNE. They are a Lightner and one of the three heroes mentioned in the Prophecy, meant to stop the Roaring and the Angel's Heaven. However, despite their stoic and quiet nature, Kris is a very different person from the player...

  5. 19 de nov. de 2018 · updated Nov 19, 2018. advertisement. Kris is the main Character in Deltarune. You play as Kris during exploration, puzzle solving, and combat. Although there are times where you select combat...

  6. kristal.ccKristal

    Kristal is a powerful DELTARUNE fangame and battle engine, made with LÖVE. It allows you to make custom DELTARUNE worlds, battles, and more! How do I use it? Check out the wiki for more information on how to use Kristal. Can I help? Yes! Feel free to look through the source code of Kristal and contribute if you wish. Show some screenshots!

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