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  1. Hace 1 día · Eae jogadores, nesse vídeo vou estar contando a história do killer sans, um dos sanses mais famosos de todo o multiverso de undertale. Desculpa a demora, mas...

  2. Hace 5 días · “i hate sans aus !!1” oh boo hoo. go cry to your mommy. like i get it. sure, it'z overflowin the fandom a little, some of the creatorz are assholez, more characterz should have the spotlight than just sans, etc. but letz retrace our stepz a little. there are so many sans aus because why ??

  3. Hace 2 días · About Neon and Slash (UT OC) FUNTIME ROXANNE AND FAMILYS WORLD (fnaf oc reference) Archive. Happy birthday, hubby !! 🫣🫣. Killer belongs to RahafWabas. utmv undertale sans bad sanses killer sans murder time trio maid dress he's a queen he slay slay queen. 775 notes May 9th, 2024.

  4. I have a question, Storyshift Chara Vs Killer sans. in a supposed Battle of Storyshift Chara Vs the sans killer, how difficult would Storyshift Chara have in fighting him? in a battle? Low-diff, mid-diff, high-diff, extreme-diff. etc. 1.

  5. Murder!sansとはUndertaleの二次創作のDusttaleに登場するキャラクターであり繰り返されるニンゲンの虐殺を止める為にモンスターを殺してLOVEを上げるという選択をしたサンズの成れの果ての姿である

  6. Hace 1 día · Killer!Sans, Happybirthday!!!, UndertaleAU / killerハピバ! - pixiv ... pixiv

  7. Hace 4 días · Epictale Sans (Undertale) Alternate Universe - Sciencetale (Undertale) An undertale au of parents and children. It all began with Ink and Error, creating Pj in the heat of the battlefield. Baffled and annoyed, Ink forced Error to take care of Pj, and they split the time their child spends time with each.

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