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  1. Hace 5 días · Within the Whoniverse, a companion or someone related to a companion not being all they seem isn't unprecedented, with both River Song (Alex Kingston) and The Master (John Simm) having disguised themselves as an ally to get closer to the Time Lord. As such, with Ruby potentially having her own adventures away from the Fifteenth Doctor following Doctor Who season 14, perhaps she will be an ...

  2. Hace 5 días · Detective Grace - britische Krimiserie mit John Simm: Die Ehefrau eines Geschäftsmannes wird ermordet. Der hat ein Alibi. Kann Grace ihn überführen?

  3. Hace 5 días · Un enquêteur déterminé pour des enquêtes jamais élucidées 🔍🚓Hantée par la mort de sa femme Sandy, l’enquêteur de la police de Brighton, Roy Grace qui a con...

  4. Hace 4 días · Olimar's family []. Olimar's known family consists of his wife, his son, his daughter, and his pet, Bulbie.Since Olimar works for Hocotate Freight, it seems he gets little time to spend with his family.In Pikmin 3, he addresses this by stating that he will take his whole family on a vacation when he gets home.Judging from the Pikmin 2 mail, it seems that Olimar's family has no responsibility ...

  5. Hace 5 días · Bei der lokalen Zeitung entdeckt sie bald ungeheuerliches. MEHR. Detective Grace – Nicht tot genug – So. 21.04. – ZDF: 22.15 Uhr. Quelle: teleschau – der mediendienst GmbH. In "Detective Grace – Nicht tot genug" kehrt der "Doctor Who"-Star John Simm in der Hauptrolle als DS Roy Grace zurück ins deutsche TV.

  6. Hace 5 días · Auch in der zweiten Staffel der Serie „ Detective Grace “ ermittelt Detective Superintendent Roy Grace ( John Simm, („ Life on Mars “) in der südenglischen Küstenstadt Brighton Mordfälle. Und noch immer ist er traumatisiert vom Verschwinden seiner Frau Sandy Jahre vor der ersten Verfilmung eines der Romane von Peter James, der auch ...

  7. Hace 5 días · He died in 1992. He also appeared with his daughter, actress Glynis Johns, in "The Sundowners" (1960). By the way, Michael Dolan was the Spirit of Christmas Past, Francis de Wolff was the Spirit of Christmas Present, and C. Kornarski's face was not seen as the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come, although his hand gets to be seen quite a bit.