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  1. If I were you vs. If I was you. En el condicional segundo, el verbo be en la oración subordinada (if clause) puede conjugarse como were en lugar de como was con la primera y tercera personas del singular (I, he, she, it). El significado es el mismo en ambos casos, aunque were se considera más formal que was. Ejemplo:

  2. 18 de abr. de 2024 · Learn the correct usage of IF I WERE and not IF I WAS in the subjunctive mood for hypothetical situations. See examples, rules, and tips to avoid common mistakes. Find out why this usage is correct and how to use it in different contexts.

  3. frase. 1. (en general) a. si yo fuera tú. (informal) If I were you, I'd apologize immediately.Si yo fuera tú, me disculparía inmediatamente. b. yo que tú. (coloquial) (informal) If I were you, I'd save at least half of the money I won.Yo que tú, ahorraría por lo menos la mitad del dinero que gané.

  4. Mira ejemplos de if I were you en ingles. Descubre oraciones que usan if I were you en la vida real.

  5. 29 de nov. de 2018 · Cuando la que va primero es la frase con “ if ”, utilizamos una coma para separarla de la principal. - If John were here, I'd tell him exactly what I think of him (Si John estuviera aquí, le diría exactamente lo que pienso de él).

  6. Learn the difference between the subjunctive mood and the simple past form in the phrase if I were you or if I was you. See examples, explanations and usage tips for this conditional expression.

  7. Spanish: si yo fuera tú - yo que tú - yo, en tu lugar. Forum discussions with the word (s) "if I were you" in the title: condicional/subjuntivo if the choice were mine, I would have seen you by now - grammar. conditional or subjunctive - If I were you, I would take it - grammar. I did not know if you were being serious - Hubieras hablado - grammar.

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