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  1. De hecho, en el Perú podemos encontrar hasta 15 especies de colibríes endémicos, es decir, que solo se encuentran en este país, y 21 especies con distribución restringida. La mayoría de ellos se encuentran sobre los 2,000 metros, llegando incluso hasta los 4,600 metros de altura.

  2. En la foto un colibri del desierto: Oasis Hummingbird. Los Colibríes del Centro del Perú. El Centro del Perú alberga una fascinante concentración de colibries, pudiendo encontrar hasta 80 colibries, de los cuales 11 son endémicos, y 17 especies con distribución restringida o casi endémicos.

  3. It's always fun to watch hummingbirds in North America, but we are limited to about a dozen species. The center of hummingbird diversity lies in the Peruvian Andes. Check out this photo gallery of hummingbirds from Peru, where single feeding stations can host up to 25 species!

  4. The tour includes the Lima area, the northern east slope of the Andes, and the Marañon valley. During the trip, we could find up to 76 species of hummingbirds, including 7 endemics. First, in the Lima area, we will focus on finding Peruvian Sheartail, Amazilia Hummingbird, and Oasis Hummingbird.

  5. Speckled Hummingbird; Peruvian Racket-tail; Rufous-booted Racket-tail; Endemic + Endangered Marvelous Spatuletail; Wedge-billed Hummingbird; Near Threatened Ecuadorian Piedtail; Endemic + Near Threatened Peruvian Piedtail; Long-billed Starthroat; Rufous-tailed Hummingbird; Amazilia Hummingbird; Oasis Hummingbird; Peruvian Sheartail; Amethyst ...

  6. Marvelous Spatuletail. Of course, this hummer is on top of the list, everybody loves the Spatuletail. It’s a small hummingbird that inhabits forest edges, second growth and montane scrub along the Utcubamba valley, in north Peru. The males are particularly attractive, with bright purple forehead, and racket-tipped long tail feathers.

  7. 3 de jun. de 2022 · In Peru there are 124 hummingbird species, of which 14 are endemic, that is, they only inhabit Peru. Although they are distributed throughout the country, they are more abundant in tropical areas. Birdwatching In Perú