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  1. Hugo de Vries. ALL students of the growth and other physical activities of plants during the past twenty years have found that any consideration of the manner by which a plant retains its rigidity ...

  2. 1 de dic. de 2000 · Hugo De Vries had, particularly at this period, a formidable capacity to publish multiple articles and simultaneously in Dutch, French, German and English, but the publication of the notes at the Académie des Sciences seems to have been systematically quicker than the appearance of the articles in the Berichte.

  3. The essay describes the development of Hugo de Vries's thinking on heredity from the publication of his Intracellulare Pangenesis in 1889 to the publication of Die Mutations-theorie, Volume 2, in 1903. De Vries's work in the 1890s can be characterized as an attempt to defend his theory of pangenes, …

  4. Hugo de Vries had sinds 1889 geëxperimenteerd met het kweken en kruisen van planten, zoals aster, chrysanten en viooltjes. Op grond van deze experimenten concludeerde hij dat het karakter van een plant, het erfelijk materiaal, was opgebouwd uit bepaalde eenheden.

  5. 22 de abr. de 2013 · When they reviewed the literature before publishing their own results, they were startled to find Mendel's old papers spelling out those laws in detail. Each man announced Mendel's discoveries and his own work as confirmation of them. By 1900, cells and chromosomes were sufficiently understood to give Mendel's abstract ideas a physical context.

  6. Hugo de Vries Hugo Marie de Vries Botánico holandés Nació el 16 de febrero de 1848 en Haarlem. Doctorado por la Universidad de Leiden en 1870, posteriormente trabaja en la de Heidelberg con el fisiólogo alemán Julius von Sachs. En 1877 fue catedrático de botánica de la Universidad de Amsterdam.

  7. Fuente original: Theodor Boveri y Walter Sutton. William Bateson (1861-1926) introduce el mendelismo en Inglaterra y denomina en 1906 con el nombre de genética (del vocablo inglés generate: generar) a la ciencia naciente que estudia la herencia y la variación. Introdujo los términos homocigoto, heterocigoto, alelo y epistasis.

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