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    hooty the owl house
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  1. Hooty is the titular character of The Owl House. Being a house demon attached to the door of the Owl House, he serves as its protector and as the house itself. Hooty has a wooden light beige owl face with a darker orange upper side, brown eyes, and an orange beak.

  2. Hooty (Búhi en España) es el personaje titular de The Owl House, siendo una casa demonio adjunta a la puerta de la Casa Búho, él sirve como su protector y toda la casa en sí. Hooty tiene una cara de madera de búho de color beige claro con un lado superior de color naranja más oscuro, ojos marrones…

  3. Hooty is one of the most dangerous and maddest creature in the Boiling Isles. Do you want to know why? Then watch clips with ALL his scenes in The Owl House!...

  4. Our favorite bird...worm...demon...bird-worm-demon? Whatever you decided to categorize him as, here is the best of Hooty!!

  5. 6 de ago. de 2021 · Hooty tries to help King, Eda, and Luz with their problems, but it doesn't go as planned.Watch The Owl House on Disney Channel and in the DisneyNOW app! And ...

  6. Hooty is the title character of the animated series The Owl House. He is a small house demon attached to the front door, who serves as the guardian of the Owl House. Hooty is also the house itself and controls everything in the Owl House.

  7. Hooty comienza tratando de ayudar a King, quien quiere saber sobre su tipo demonio para poder aprender más sobre su pasado. Preocupado porque no aceptará su ayuda de buena gana, Hooty se traga a King y lo lleva a la torre, donde le da una presentación sobre Demon Puberty.