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  1. Nació el 24 de marzo de 1874 en Budapest, Hungría. Erik Weisz / Erich Weiss. Robert Houdini Murió en Detroit, 1926 Anti-espiritista Harry Houdini Escapista Datos Biográficos Garrafa de leche Suspendido en el aire La metamorfosis La cámara de tortura china "La magia no tiene

  2. Harry Houdini by Lindsey Westlund on Prezi. Learn about Prezi. Download PDF. LW. Lindsey Westlund. Updated Jan. 13, 2014. Transcript. Harry Houdini. Career Begins. Early Life. Harry began his career at seventeen. He wanted to become a magician. When Houdini was twenty he began performing acts throughout New York.

  3. Harry first started performing at dime museums with his friend Jake. The two called themselves "The Modern Monarchs of Mystery" or "The Brothers of Houdini". Harry Houdini Becoming Houdini Inspiration When Ehrich was seventeen he read the book The Secrets of Prestidigitation and

  4. Harry Houdini Harry Houdini By Carson Meyer Harry Houdini was a famous escape artist who had many tricks. Metamorphosis, the Vanishing Elephant, and the Brick Wall trick being just a few of the many. Harry's past Harry's past was not exactly a child hood of fame like his adult

  5. Harry Houdini How he died He died doing an under water trick. He was born march 24, 1874 He died on october 30th 1926 Harry is a famous escape artest

  6. He escaped from handcuffs, jails, and straitjackets. He died October 24, 1926. Harry Houdini He like to act and fly. He was born on March 12, 1874 in Budpest, Hungary as Ehrich Weisz. He change his name to Harry Houdini. When he was 9 year old he went on stage. "Ehrich the Prince

  7. Harry Houdini ( Budapest, Imperio austrohúngaro; 24 de marzo de 1874- Detroit, Míchigan; 31 de octubre de 1926), de nombre verdadero Erik Weisz 2 (cambiado después por Erich Weiss al emigrar a Estados Unidos ), fue un ilusionista y escapista austrohúngaro nacionalizado estadounidense.