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  1. 28 de feb. de 2017 · Grandpa's Great Escape. David Walliams, hailed as “the heir to Roald Dahl” by The Spectator, burst onto the American scene with the New York Times bestseller Demon Dentist. Now the UK’s #1 bestselling children’s author is back with this high-flying adventure about a boy and his grandfather, perfect for fans of Jeff Kinney and Rachel ...

  2. An exquisite portrait of the bond between a small boy and his beloved Grandpa – this book takes readers on an incredible journey with Spitfires over London and Great Escapes through the city in a high octane adventure full of comedy and heart. Illustrated by the award-winning Tony Ross. Read more.

  3. The hotly-anticipated next novel from NUMBER ONE bestselling author, David WalliamsJack s Grandpa *wears his slippers to the supermarket*serves up Spam a la Custard for dinner*and often doesn t remember Jack s nameBut he can still take to the skies in a speeding Spitfire and save the day An exquisite portrait of the bond between a small boy and his beloved Grandpa this book takes readers on an ...

  4. 5 de sept. de 2021 · Heartwarming comedy drama about a former WWII flying ace with Alzheimer's who is admitted to an old people's home, from which he is determined to escape for one last adventure. Show more ...

  5. Download PDF Grandpa’s Great Escape. David Walliams, hailed as “the heir to Roald Dahl” by The Spectator, burst onto the American scene with the New York Times bestseller Demon Dentist. Now the UK’s #1 bestselling children’s author is back with this high-flying adventure about a boy and his grandfather, perfect for fans of Jeff Kinney ...

  6. › Grandpa_S_Great_EscapeGrandpa S Great Escape

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