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  1. A Game of Thrones is the first novel in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin.It was first published on August 1, 1996. The novel won the 1997 Locus Award and was nominated for both the 1997 Nebula Award and the 1997 World Fantasy Award. The novella Blood of the Dragon, comprising the Daenerys Targaryen chapters from the novel, won the 1997 ...

  2. George Martin (comedian) (1922–1991), British comedian, musician, scriptwriter and broadcaster. George Martin (organist) (1844–1916), organist at St Paul's Cathedral (1888) George William Martin, English musical composer. George Martin, character in the film 84 Charing Cross Road.

  3. Sir George Henry Martin, CBE, nado o 3 de xaneiro de 1926 en Highbury ( Londres) e finado o 8 de marzo de 2016 [ 1][ 2] en Londres, foi un produtor discográfico, arranxador, compositor, director de orquestra, enxeñeiro de son e músico inglés, coñecido principalmente por producir case a totalidade dos álbums dos Beatles, entre outros ...

  4. George R. R. Martin in 2014 In 1994, Martin gave his agent, Kirby McCauley, the first 200 pages and a two-page story projection as part of a planned trilogy with the novels A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter intended to follow. When Martin had still not reached the novel's end at 1,400 manuscript pages, he felt that the series needed to be four and eventually six books long, which ...

  5. Sir George Henry Martin CBE (* 3. január 1926, Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo – 8. marec 2016) bol britský hudobný producent, aranžér, skladateľ a hudobník.Bol považovaný za jedného z najvýznamnejších producentov histórie populárnej hudby. Býva označovaný za „piateho Beatle“, spolupracoval na nahrávaní viacerých hitov skupiny The Beatles a nahral aj niektoré ...

  6. Sir George Henry Martin (3. janúar 1926 – 8. mars 2016) var enskur upptökustjóri, tónskáld, og tónlistarmaður. Hann var almennt kallaður „ fimmti Bítillinn “ vegna mikillar aðildar hans að fyrstu hljómplötum Bítlanna. [1] [2] Þekking Martin í tónlist hjálpaði hljómsveitinni í upphafi. [3] Mest af ...

  7. Martin was born in Lambourn, Berkshire on 11 September 1844. John Footman's 1894 history of Lambourn Church describes him as "the only native of Lambourn who has ever risen to fame". [2] His interest in music began after he heard Sir Herbert Oakeley play Bach in Lambourn. [3] He studied organ under John Stainer, supposedly cycling from Lambourn ...