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  1. 30 de mar. de 2013 · Tail Length: 24.1-36.8 cm (9.4-14″) Weight: 3-8 kg (6-18 lbs) The African Wildcat Felis lybica is the size of a large housecat. They have longer legs than the domestic cat, giving them a more upright posture in the sitting position and a different walking form. The background color of its coat ranges from reddish to sandy yellow to tawny ...

  2. On considère également que Felis silvestris lybica est monophylétique avec Felis silvestris catus. Le chat domestique est d'ailleurs bien souvent mis à l'écart, peut-être parce qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une sous-espèce naturelle, mais des phénomènes d' hybridation , introgression et pollution génétique sont à prendre en compte et commencent à pouvoir l'être par les progrès de la ...

  3. The African wildcats ( Felis silvestris lybica) are small, fierce cats that live in forests, grasslands, and brush lands in Africa and the Middle East. They are the closest living relatives of the domestic cat. It is a wildcat subspecies which occurs across northern Africa and extends around the edges of the Arabian Peninsula to the Caspian Sea.

  4. O Gato-selvagem-africano (nome científico: Felis silvestris lybica), gato-da-Núbia ou gato-da-Líbia é uma subespécie do gato-selvagem que habita a África, o leste asiático, a Ásia central, norte da península indiana e oeste da China. Mostrar mais A IUCN o classifica como pouco preocupante quanto seu risco de extinção. Mostrar menos

  5. 19 de jun. de 2017 · Here we show, using ancient DNA analysis of geographically and temporally widespread archaeological cat remains, that both the Near Eastern and Egyptian populations of Felis silvestris lybica ...

  6. Falbkatze. Die Falbkatze oder Afrikanische Wildkatze ( Felis lybica lybica, Syn.: Felis silvestris lybica) ist die Nominatform der Wildkatzenart Felis lybica und kommt in Afrika nördlich des Kongobeckens und des Rovumas, in der Levante und auf der Arabischen Halbinsel vor. Die Falbkatze ist die wildlebende Stammform ( Wildform) der Hauskatze ...

  7. The African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica), is a subspecies of the wildcat (F. silvestris). They appear to have diverged from the other subspecies about 131,000 years ago. About 10,000 years ago some African Wildcats were domesticated in the Middle East and they are the ancestors of the domestic cat. The African wildcat is found in Africa ...