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Family Guy: Created by Seth MacFarlane, David Zuckerman. With Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis. In a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
_____ family guy returns 2/19 on fox! Family Guy continues to entertain its die-hard fan base with razor-sharp humor, spot-on parodies, spectacular animation and orchestra-backed original...
Family Guy - Watch on FOX. Seasons 22 (15 Episodes) • Comedy, Animation • TV-14. Start Watching. Watchlist. Season 22. SEASON PREMIERE. S22 E1 Fertilized Megg. Meg agrees to be Bruce and Jeffery's surrogate, causing a pregnant Meg to annoy her family. Aired 10-2-23 • TV-14. S22 E2 Supermarket Pete.
Family Guy (conocida en español como Padre de familia) es una serie de televisión animada estadounidense de animación para adultos, creada por el director, guionista y cantante Seth MacFarlane el 31 de enero de 1999.
Descubre cómo y dónde ver "Padre de familia" en Netflix y Prime Video hoy mismo, incluidas las opciones gratuitas.
Family Guy. La serie animada "Padre de Familia" presenta las aventuras de la familia Griffin. El adorablemente ignorante Peter y su esposa, la ama de casa Lois, viven en Quahog, Rhode Island, y tienen tres hijos.
Welcome to "Family Guy," where chaos reigns, and the Griffins are the masters of mayhem. With Peter's brain on vacation, Lois juggling more than a circus act, and their kids rewriting the manual...
Family Guy Wiki is a comprehensive guide to Seth MacFarlane's animated series on FOX featuring Peter Griffin, Stewie, Quagmire, Brian.
Family Guy is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series premiered on January 31, 1999, following Super Bowl XXXIII, with the rest of the first season airing from April 11, 1999.
Padre de Familia. La serie de animación Padre de familia presenta las aventuras de la familia Griffin. El encantadoramente ignorante Peter y su mujer ama de casa Lois viven en Quahog, Rhode Island, y tienen tres hijos. Meg, la mayor, es una paria.