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  1. A commonly repeated assertion is that ‘face the music’ originated from the tradition of disgraced officers beingdrummed out‘ of their regiment. A second popular theory is that it was actors who ‘faced the music’, that is, faced the orchestra pit, when they went on stage.

  2. 16 de abr. de 2021 · Origin. The precise origin of this phrase is not known, but there are theories which are not proven. One theory says that it originated in the military, where disgraced officers were dismissed to the beating of drums and band music. Another theory is it comes from theatre, where the actors have to face the orchestra pit.

  3. Origin of: Face the music. Face the music. To face the music is an American expression from the early 19th century meaning to come to terms boldly with the consequences of ones actions. No one knows for sure about the origin.

  4. Origin and Etymology of Face the Music. Face the music usage trend. While the term might not make immediate sense, its origins clarify things a bit. The phrase face the music is said to have started in the United States during the 19th century, though its exact genesis is debated.

  5. The term “Face the Music” was first seen in print during the mid-1800s. The earliest example comes from an 1834 edition of The New Hampshire Statesman & State Journal: “Will the editor of the Courier explain this black affair. We want no equivocation; ‘face the music’ this time.”. See more phrases.

  6. 16 de sept. de 2023 · Of American-English origin, the phrase to face the music means: to accept or confront the inevitable, or the unpleasant consequences of ones actions. The underlying idea (i.e., what music is being faced, and where) is uncertain and disputed. Suggestions include reference to a nervous performer coming onstage in musical theatre, or to the ...

  7. Face The Music - Meaning & Origin Of The Idiom. Face the music. Meaning. Accept he unwelcome consequences of one’s own actions. Examples. Jack pretended he had a Ph.D. to get the job. Now it’s come out that he hasn’t he’ll have to face the music and resign.. Where did it originate? USA, 19th century. Where is it used? Worldwide.