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  1. Draculaura es la hija del conde Drácula, tiene 1.600 años de edad. Ella es una vampira vegetariana, lo que significa que no bebe sangre ni come carne, además parece tener hematofobia (O sea, fobia a la sangre); llegando esta tan lejos como para incluso evitar la palabra "sangre". Draculaura es la…

  2. Draculaura is a 2010-introduced and all-around character. She is a Hungarian-Romanian (Székely) vampire, and the adopted daughter of Dracula. She attends Monster High as a student. Having spent much of her childhood at the Vampire Court, Draculaura is used to being pampered.

  3. Draculaura is a 2022-introduced and all-around character. She is a Romanian-Taiwanese vampire and the daughter of the famous vampire Dracula and his ex-wife, Fang Wei. She's both the head fearleader and Student Bloody President of Monster High, and is secretly studying the art of witchcraft...

  4. 25 de mar. de 2015 · As a student at Monster High, the Vampire Queen-in-training lives a fun and exciting life! Check out Draculaura's best moments, from studying hard and feerleading to hanging out with her BFF ...

  5. Sumario. 1 -Draculaura de El anuario del miedo. 2 Draculaura tiene 1,600 años y es hija de Drácula. Ella es una "vegetariana" vampiro, es decir, que no bebe sangre ni come nada carnoso, y que parece ser hemofobia o hematofobia, lo que significa que tiene miedo y ni siquiera puede decir "sangre",sin desmayarse.

  6. 9 de sept. de 2022 · Draculaura, the daughter of Dracula, is smart, chic, confident, and gliding through un-life! Sing along as she reveals her big secret - she wants to be a witch! She is passionate about equality...

  7. Draculaura is a one-of-a-kind ghoul and is always her unique self at Monster High! She enjoys hanging out with her ghoulfriends like Frankie and Clawdeen, and also dating Clawd!

  8. Draculaura doll comes with her creepy-cute pet bat, Count Fabulous, plus her Top Eek-ret diary and a hairbrush for scare-tastic styling. With a doll stand and flexibility at the elbows, wrists and knees, fans can capture this collectible Monster High™ doll in creeperific poses for play or display!

  9. Draculaura is the 1,600-year old daughter of Count Dracula. She is a vegetarian vampire, meaning she doesn't drink blood nor eat meat, and she appears to be hemophobic, going so far as to even avoid the word 'blood'.

  10. Take Draculaura™ doll's look to the next level with a scary-chic cape and fab-boo-lous accessories, like a backpack, smartphone, snacks and SPF 500 sunblock. Inspire spooktacular storytelling with her creepy-cute pet bat, Count Fabulous™!

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