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  1. 26 de nov. de 2022 · Dr. John Stith Pemberton passed away on August 16th, 1888. He left his wife in financial trouble and his son in a battle for control of his company and the Coca-Cola syrup formula. It’s unclear how Asa Candler attained total ownership of the Cola-Cola syrup and name in 1891.

  2. 26 de may. de 2023 · Xavier Vilaltella Ortiz. En 2011 se descubrió un manuscrito rubricado en 1886 por un amigo de John Stith Pemberton (1831-1888), el inventor del refresco, en el que mencionaba el famoso ...

  3. Pembertons concoction became the best–known product in the world, far exceeding even the wildest dreams of the man who died on August 16, 1888, Today in Georgia History. He created the pause that refreshes. John Stith Pemberton was born in Knoxville, Georgia in 1831 and grew up in Rome. In 1850, he graduated from a College of Herbal ...

  4. The History Of Coca Cola. Our People. Coca-Cola’s history began in 1886 when the curiosity of an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John S. Pemberton, led him to create a distinctive tasting soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains. He created a flavored syrup and took it to his neighborhood pharmacy, where it was mixed with carbonated water and ...

  5. Pembertons transformation from pharmacist to creator of a global phenomenon is fascinating. The Early Life of John Pemberton . Born on July 8th, 1831, in Knoxville Georgia, John Pemberton was the son of James C. Pemberton and Martha L. Grant. Most of his early childhood was spent in Rome, Georgia, and his family was comfortably middle class.

  6. 1885美国乔治来州的潘伯顿医生〈Dr.JohnS.Pemberton〉,在地窖中把 碳酸水 加 苏打水 搅在一块,成为一深色的糖浆。 他的合伙人 罗宾逊 (FrankM,Robinson)〈从糖浆的两种成分,激发出命名的灵感,於是有史以来最成功的软性饮料可口可乐就此诞生了。

  7. 28 de dic. de 2016 · Der Grundstein für eine Weltmarke. Cola als amerikanisches Nationalgetränk. Als der amerikanische Apotheker John Pemberton 1885 die weltweit bekannte Coca-Cola erfand, suchte er eigentlich ein Mittel, das ihn von seiner Morphiumsucht abbringen sollte. Die Blätter der Kokapflanze und die Kolanuss interessierten ihn schon immer.