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  1. The prepositions “to” or “for” are often interchangeable in regards to discuss being late for an event, occasion, meeting or some other scheduled pursuit. It is not common to use “late to” in the present or future tenses.

  2. However, the variant with “for” is much more widespread than the variant with “to”, and many native speakers (especially of British English) consider the phrase “to be late to something” either unnatural or substandard (although both are relatively common in English literature).

  3. The Best Last Minute Hotel Deals are here! Find over 20,000 offers to choose from every week. Get huge savings on your last minute hotel booking with

  4. 3 de abr. de 2023 · An early payment discountalso called a prompt payment or cash discount―is a reduction in an invoice balance when it’s paid before the due date. It provides an incentive for customers to pay their bills before they’re due.

  5. We are sorry to inform you that your package shipped out three days later than expected due to issues within our supply chain. We would like to offer you a 20% discount on your next purchase as compensation for this mistake.

  6. 5 de ago. de 2024 · Several posters have reported that the e-tailer offered anywhere from a $5 to $20 gift certificate toward any product on the site, a 20 percent discount on an Amazon Prime membership, or other...

  7. Bahamas, Amazing last-minute deals at top-rated hotels. Book tonight, tomorrow and beyond.

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